Saturday, August 24, 2013


I thank God for any wisdom He graciously has granted to me and I hope to pass it on through my words and by example. Here are a few principles that I strive to live in my life. They have helped me through the challenges and continue to guide me in my walk with others. Each of us will ponder it in our own way. I can only hope they may be a source of grace for you as well.

  1. Take the time each day to see the blessings of God. God is always at work and so do not focus solely on the problems and obstacles. Rather, see where God is at work in other areas of your life.
  2. Don’t waste the time questioning “why me” rather ask yourself“ what now” and “where do I go from here”.
  3. Always move forward. Learn from the past, strive to make the changes in the present, but always keep going.
  4. In every action seek to do it for the glory of God and always with love in your heart.
  5. Give people the benefit of doubt! Don’t presume to know everyone’s situation. Take the time to minister to everyone even those we may find difficult to love.

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