Saturday, August 13, 2011

Highs and Lows

Ministry is much like life, there are highs and there are lows! Nothing compares with the highs. In my ministry the highs are what feed me and guide me. They give me strength and sustain me. Whether those highs are deep and profound like offering the Sacraments of the Church each day or calmer and quieter like listening to the stories of others. These are the moments that make it so much easier to see the presence of God.  

Regardless of what each day may bring, for me it is an opportunity for learning and growing. Seeing each day as a blessing is what I believe is an attitude for true success in life. I say this because sooner or later the lows will come. The lows which I choose to see more as challenges or bumps in the road will provoke a whole new emotion. The lows will do everything they can to bring you down or rain on your parade. Unfortunately, each of us will encounter lows in life and can do very little to avoid them. There will be moments of sadness and pain. There will be times when we just ask, why me?

So when those lows do come, we must not sit and drown in the pain. Rather we are to stand up, lift up our head and see where God is at work doing something new. God is always close at work and just as quickly as things can take a wrong turn, God is looking to bring the brightness of a new day into our midst to strengthen and renew us. Once we are renewed and experience the high of a new day, may you and I in turn look to help brighten another person's day.

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